Monday, March 11, 2013


Two days in Vancouver.

This post is several days late.

I'm not beating myself up over it.  By the time we left Vancouver I was feeling like I didn't want to do anymore driving.  I am out of practice when it comes to this, but it's like riding a bike.  Except one day you hope that the bike turns into a bus, and someone else is driving it for you.  The coming and going is the hardest part.  You see your friends and you don't want to leave because you want to spend time with them.  Or because you want to explore the city some more, you end up cursing the trip.  By YOU I mean I.  The drive back was also less appealing because there was one show in 3 days on the way home.  That's a lot of downtime.  That's a lot of money and a lot of driving.  When I got to Vancouver, when I started seeing and hanging out with all of my close friends out there, I knew this would happen. I've gotten better at not letting affect me though.  I find it easier to look for a solution rather then to complain about a problem lately.  My mind automatically goes there, and it took a long time to get here.

Vancouver was a great show.  We played to so many people who were really into what we were doing.  I love telling people that we've only been playing as a band for a month.  They are blown away.  I am blown away.  I feel like I've been playing with these guys for longer than that.  I never know when to use THEN or THAN, and I don't feel like looking it up.  I woke up one morning before we left worried that I wouldn't be able to wear the "band leader" hat.  I was going to be a leader.  I had to look after four people.  I had to make sure everyone was comfortable, fed, rested (as much as one could be on tour), able to approach me with issues, and I had to deal with those issues as they came up.  I've never been in that postion.  I've never had to be a leader.  It was stressing me out.  Brennan told me I was doing well.  I feel like I could still use a lesson in patience.

I'd like to be a leader more often.  But I am often to scared to take on that role.  This has been good practice though.

I just reread this a realized I didn't make my point about this post being late.  The point is that I'm getting used to doing this again, and I did not have the energy to share.  The one thing about being an entertainer is that you have to be 'on' a lot.  You have to keep people engaged, you have to connect in person and now online, because people forget.  But you have to be careful not to be too forward, because you don't want to scare anyone away.  Sometimes I feel like I just want to make music in my basement and avoid all this promo shit.  But the truth is that I like it.  I've liked this job since I was young, and I've since quit all of my jobs to do this one full time.  Both feet in the dark.

So far, so good.

 Such cool clouds when we rolled in.

 If you look about a third up from the bottom, you can see the clouds connecting to the mountain.  It looked so strange.

 These pictures almost look like someone cut really thin sheet of linen and put them on top of each other, then on the mountain.

 Brennan and Jon, happy to be walking around.
 Jon meeting Garland.
 Ming and Brennan.
 Tom and Garland.
 GIANT PEICES OF SASHIMI.  The slice of tuna was the size of a deck of cards.

The Biltmore.
 Setting up the box.
 I love this picture of Adam.
 Julia McDougall
The Ruffled Feathers 

 My little experiment.  A burger with hollandaise sauce.

It worked.
 Peaceful.  This place had amazing food.  And they make their noodles fresh fresh.  I saw them make them right in from of my eye.  You can have them HAND-DRAGGED or BLADE-SHEARED.  Those are some badass noodles.

GARLAND LAM.  I love her art.  Check it out.  

It may be a while before I get the last post up for this first part of the tour.  There are a lot of pictures to sort through and I have to plan another tour too.

Thank you for being so amazing.


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